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By: Frederickthomas Club

The Makings of a Maniac

* eBook includes iBooks, PDF & ePub versions
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Short Description

A crazy world of an advertising and creative character that started out on a countryside location in New Zealand and progressed through a colorful world filled with hedonistic activities and lifestyle changes. And that’s just volume One. Volume Two reveals how this creative character went on to travel the world, work with many of the rich and famous and encounter things that no one should ever experience. Most people might have one crazy encounter that they would write about, but this guy has a world full of them. Such are the joys of a film maker and misfortune, where money talks, life can be cheap, and the glossy glamorous set in Hollywood are not always what they are cracked up to be. Volumes three and Four are being written now, so enjoy the ride and see the world from a whole new perspective. One that movies are made of, but its been this persons reality. And many of you would have been subjected to his visual eyecandy and never knew it.

Images from the book

Enclosed is a cross section of images from his various books showing history of this iconic character and his journey through life and certainly a lot of changes along the way.

Read On Any Device

Available as a hard copy, "The Making of a Maniac" is also available as a digital copy,giving it the ability to be read on most digital phones and tablets.

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Know More About Author

Frederick Thomas

“Frederick Thomas” is a New Zealander who has come from the country to travel the world, live in 8 countries and work in 26. Originally educated in New Plymouth, he studied art and design at Nelson Polytechnic as well as through various modules from Wellington based ICS. This initially led him into the advertising and film making world where he made a career, learning the craft through the invaluable lessons at the coalface becoming an editor, art director, Director and Producer, finally setting up businesses in a number of countries and jet setting globally.

Now and after 4 decades of creating visual eye candy for film and TV advertising, drama, and documentaries, he is documenting this extraordinary part of his life as a series of modules for all to explore. Set out as a historical look Volumes One and Two cover his actual life from a business point of view, whereas Volumes Three and Four look at life behind the Veil.


Our Other Books

Here is the 4 part series in the life of Frederick Thomas under the auspicious title "The Makings of a Maniac". The first 2 volumes outline his life in the real world. However, running in parallel are volumes 3 and 4 which offer hedonistic and spiritual insight to a world that many would find hard to believe. More often than not movies are now being made in this world of the life behind the veil.